Quick Sort




In general, prefer Merge Sort for larger arrays. However, Quick Sort tends to be faster in the real world because of fewer comparisons, and despite the worst-case performance being , this can generally be avoided by using a pivot picked at random.

That being said, avoid using Quick Sort on data sets which:

  • Contain many duplicates
  • Are largely sorted or reverse-sorted
  • Can’t be held in memory and require many reads from disk (Quick Sort does this with many random reads, whereas Merge Sort does this sequentially).

Basic Algorithm

Quicksort == pivot

A pivot is an item in the array that meets the following 3 conditions when the array is sorted:

  1. The pivot is in the correct position in the final, sorted array
  2. Items to the left are smaller
  3. Items to the right are larger


  • Pick a random element and partition the array so that elements to the left of the partition element are smaller, and elements to the right are larger
  • This occurs through a series of swaps
  • Repeatedly partitioning the array and it’s sub arrays this way yields a sorted array

In terms of time complexity, Quicksort can be very slow () if the partition is chosen poorly (e.g. the first element of each subarray).


fun quickSort(array: IntArray) {
    quickSort(array, 0, array.size - 1)
private fun quickSort(array: IntArray, left: Int, right: Int) {
    val index = partition(array, left, right)
	if (left < index - 1) {
		// Sort left half
        quickSort(array, left, index - 1)
    if (right > index) {
		// Sort right half
        quickSort(array, index, right)
private fun partition(array: IntArray, left: Int, right: Int): Int {
    var leftIndex = left
    var rightIndex = right
    val middle = (left + right) / 2
    val pivot = array[middle]
    while (leftIndex <= rightIndex) {
		// Find element that should be on right
        while (array[leftIndex] < pivot) leftIndex++
		// Find element that should be on left
        while (array[rightIndex] > pivot) rightIndex--
		// Swap elements and move indices
        if (leftIndex <= rightIndex) {
            swap(array, leftIndex, rightIndex)
	// Return new pivot
    return leftIndex
private fun swap(array: IntArray, left: Int, right: Int) {
    val temp = array[left]
    array[left] = array[right]
    array[right] = temp