Basic Searching/Traversal Algorithms
All data structures are meant to hold information. Some structures need specials ways to access this information efficiently that are more involved than simply accessing an array index or hashmap key. Data-structures that hold collections of data such as Trees and Graphs use a few basic algorithms to access the information within.
Advanced Searching/Traversal Algorithms
There is a ton of research in this field, but for the purposes of a tech interview, the most advanced searching algorithms you’ll likely come across in order of frequency are:
- Quick Select
- Dijkstra
- Bellman-Ford
- A-star
Sorting Algorithms
Sorting is a common tool used to increase the performance of a solution. There are many sorting algorithms, but the most popular for interviews are listed below. Know how to implement all of these without looking anything up.
- Bubble Sort
- Quick Sort
- Merge Sort
- Topological Sort
- Counting Sort