1. How to do test in spring boot

    How to do test in spring boot

    2018/08/17 spring boot test

  2. xxl-job k8s实践

    xxl-job-admin 需要读取本地host文件作为集群身份 //取executor ip注册到admin StringBuffer triggerMsgSb = new StringBuffer(); triggerMsgSb.append(I18nUtil.getString("jobconf_trigger_admin_adress")).append(":").append(IpUtil.getIp());

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  3. private access level


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  4. spring boot auto configuration and starter

    spring boot auto configuration

    2018/07/16 spring boot starter auto configuration

  5. Java 类加载过程中的初始化


    2018/07/14 类加载

  6. Java Memory Model


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  7. show me the code - LFU/LRU Java实现

    show me the code - LFU/LRU Java

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  8. 设计模式 - 单例


    2018/06/16 设计模式