JAX-RPC AXIS 1实现了这种RPC的方式,基于SOAP,WSDL. AXIS 1是web service的一种实现方式? AXIS 2采用了JAX-WS 2. websphere SOA的三个概念有: WPS(Websphere Process Server,这个我开始老是搞错,以为是portal server); ESB; WSRR(Websphere Service Registry Repository) WID(WebSphere Integration Developer)用来开发SCA,ESB的平台。因为SOA的这些东东RAD(Rational Applicaiton Developer)是搞不定的。 同样这些SOA的组件需要在WebSphere Process Server下跑。WAS下是跑不动的。不过止今还没见过WPS,WID这些神兵利器。也就玩玩WAS,RAD了,还是在公司。:<
get/load区别 如果记录存在,get返回对象(或代理对象);否则返回null。 如果记录存在,load返回对象;否则返回 NotObjectFoundException 2.hibernate Cache 2.1 一级缓存,在当前session内 2.2 Query Cache Cache queries and results. 方法: 1. 在hiberante Configuration 文件中: true 2. 查询时 Query query = session.createQuery("from Person p where p.id=1"); query.setCacheable(true); 2.3 二级缓存, 跨session . 如EHCache 3. load 与 CreateQuery 在处理Cache的区别 首先,load时在一个session中,一级缓存总是有效的。比如下面的只issue sql操作一次 Session session = getSessionFactory().openSession(); Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction(); Person person1 = (Person) session.load(Person.class, 1L); System.out.println(person1.getFirstName()); Person person2 = (Person) session.load(Person.class, 1L); System.out.println(person2.getFirstName()); tx.commit(); session.close(); 其次,如果用CreateQuery有点不同,比若下面的需要issue sql操作两次 Session session = getSessionFactory().openSession(); Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction(); Query query = session.createQuery("from Person p where p.id=1"); Iterator it = query.list().iterator(); while (it.hasNext ()){ Person p = (Person) it.next(); System.out.println(p.getFirstName()); } query = session.createQuery("from Person p where p.id=1"); it = query.list().iterator(); while (it.hasNext ()){ Person p = (Person) it.next(); System.out.println(p.getFirstName()); } tx.commit(); session.close(); 原因是session cache时是根据key(load方法中传入的ID)来缓存的。解决的方法是: 1. 用load,如上面的代码 2. 用查询缓存,如上面的介绍 Session session = getSessionFactory().openSession(); Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction(); Query query = session.createQuery("from Person p where p.id=1"); query.setCacheable(true); Iterator it = query.list().iterator(); while (it.hasNext ()){ Person p = (Person) it.next(); System.out.println(p.getFirstName()); } query = session.createQuery("from Person p where p.id=1"); query.setCacheable(true); it = query.list().iterator(); while (it.hasNext ()){ Person p = (Person) it.next(); System.out.println(p.getFirstName()); } tx.commit(); session.close();
dirname 与 pwd pwd返回的是执行时当前路径 dirname 后面跟一个script文件参数,返回的是执行的script文件所在的路径 差别在于有时在一个目录路径下执行另一个路径下的script,这时这两个路径不同
Precurement Management(采购) 1. Plan Purchases and Acquisitions process Input: Work Breakdown Structure WBS Dictionary Project Scope Statement Project Management Plan Enterprise Environmental Factors Organizational Process Assets Tools: Make or buy analysis Expert Judgment Contract types Output: Procurement Management Plan Contract Statement of Work Make or Buy Decisions Requested Changes 2. Plan Contracting process Input: Procurement Management Plan Contract Statement of Work Make or Buy Decisions Organizational Process Assets Tools: Standard Forms(RFP,Request for Proposals) Expert Judgement Output: Procurement Documents Evaluation Criteria Contract Statement of Work Updates 3. Request Seller Responses process Input: Procurement Documents Procurement Management Plan Organizational Process Assets Tools: Bidder Conferences Advertising Develop Qualified Sellers List Output: Procurement Document Package Qualified Sellers List Proposals 4. Select Sellers process Input: Procurement Document Package Qualified Sellers List Evaluation Criteria Proposals Organizational Process Assets Procurement Management Plan Tools: Weighting System Screening System Independent Estimates Seller Rating System Expert Judgment Contract Negotiation Proposal Evaluation Techniques Output: Selected Sellers Contract Contract Management Plan Resource Availability Requested Changes Procurement Management Plan Updates 5. Contract Administration Process Input: Approved Change Requests Work Performance Information Performance Reports Contract Management Plan ContractSelected Sellers Tools: Payment System Records Management System Information Technology Claims Administration Performance Reporting Buyer-Conducted Performance Review Inspections and Audits Contract Change Control System Output: Contract documentation Requested changes Updates to Organizational process assets Recommended corrective actions Project management plan 6. Contract Closure Input:Contract Management Plan Procurement Management Plan Contract Documentation Contract Closure Procedure Tools: Procurement audits Records Management system Outputs: Closed Contracts Organizational Process Assets
Risk Management 1. Risk Management Planning Input: Organizational Process Assets Enterprise Enviromental Factors Project Management Plan Project Scope Statement Tools:Planning Meetings and Analysis Output: Risk Management Plan(who, how, how often), in Risk Management Plan, come up with RBS(Risk Breakdown Structure), then Avoided/Mitigated/Transferred/Accepted the risk 2. Risk Identification Input: Risk Management Plan Project Management Plan Project Scope Statement Organizational Process Assets Enterprise Environmental Factors Tools: Information Gathering Techniques(Gathering information from people and making sure it's right)which includes: Brainstorming, Interviews, The Delphi technique,get opinions and ideas from experts anonymously SWOT analysis(strengths,weaknesses,opportunities,and threats) Root cause identification Documentation reviews Assumptions analysis Checklist analysis Diagramming techniques Output: Risk Register 3. Qualitative Risk Analysis(ranking risk based on probability and impact) Input: Organizational Process Assets Risk Register Risk Management Plan Project Scope Statement Tools: Risk data quality assessment Risk categorization Risk urgency assessment Risk probability and impact assessment Probability and impact matrix Output: updated risk register(add columns Category,Priority,Urgency) 4. Quantitative Risk Analysis(ranking risk based on probability and impact) Input: Organizational Process Assets Risk Register(after qualitative analysis) Project Management Plan Risk Management Plan Project Scope Statement Tools: EMV(Expected Monetary Value) Decision Tree Analysis Output: updated Risk Register 5. Risk Response planning Input: Risk Register Risk Management Plan Tools: strategies for handling negative risk,avoid&mitigate&transfer&acceptstrategies for handling positive risk,Exploit&share&enhance&accept Output: add risk response to the register(risk owner,response) project management plan update scontract updates 6. Risk Monitoring and Conrol process Input: Risk Register Project Management Plan Approved Change Requests Work Performance Information Performance Reports Tools: Risk reassessment Variance and trend analysis Reserve analysis Risk audits Technical performance measurement Status meetings Output: Risk Register Updates Project Management Plan Updates Requested Changes Organizational Process Assets Recommended Corrective Actions Recommended Preventative Actions
Communications Management 1. Communications Requirements Analysis input:Enterprise Environmental Factors Organizational Process Assets Project Scope Statement Project Management Plan output: Communication Plan(who should communicate with whom and how often) 2. Information Distribution input:Communication Plan Tools: Communication skills Formal Written Informal Written Formal Verbal Informal Verbal Effective Communication Nonverbal communication Paralingual communication(tone and pitch) Feedback Information gathering and retrieval systems Information distribution methods Lessons learned Output: Organizational Process Asset updates Requested changes 3. Performance Reporting process Input: Work Performance Information Deliverables Performance Measurements Forecasted Completion Quality Control Measurements Approved Changes Requests Project Management Plan Tools: Information Presentation Tools Performance Information Gathering and Compilation Status Review Meetings Time Reporting System Cost Reporting System Output: Performance report Forecasts Lessons Learned Changes 4. Manage Stakeholders(resolve issues) every team member is also a stakeholder. Input: Communications Management Plan Organizational Process Assets Tools: Communications Methods Face-to-face communication Holding kickoff meetings Issue Logs Output: Resolved Issues Approved Change Requests Approved Corrective Actions Organizational Process Asset Updates Project Management Plan Updates
Human Resource Planning input: Enterprise Environmental Factors: company's culture and structure,common languages,technical disciplines Organizational Process Assets: templates and lessons learned from past projects Project Management Plan: resource requirements for each activity tools: Organization Charts(reporting relationships) output: Staffing Management Plan(Timetable,Resource Histogram): who will be on your project, when they'll do the work and for how long, the reward system to keep the team motivated Roles and Responsibilities(RACI matrix): title, authority, responsible for specific deliverables Project Organization Charts: reporting structure 2. Acquire Project Team input: Staffing Management Plan Project Management Plan Project Organization Charts Roles and Responsibilities Enterprise Environmental Factors Organizational Process Assets tools: Negotiation Pre-Assignment Virtual Teams Acquisition Output: Staffing Assignments Resource Availability Update the Staffing Management Plan 3. Develop Project Team(evaluate performance and set up motivational factors) input:Staffing Management PlanResource AvailabilityStaffing Assignments Tools:Recognition and RewardsTrainingGround rulesTeam-building activitiesCo-location output:Team Performance Assessment 4. Manage Project Team(solve conflicts) input: Work Performance InformationPerformance ReportsStaffing Management PlanProject Organization Charts Roles and Responsibilities Enterprise Environmental FactorsOrganizational Process AssetsProject Management Plan tools:Conflict ManagementPerformance AppraisalsIssue logs output: Requested Changes Recommended corrective actions Recommended preventive actions Updates to the organizational process assets Updates to the project management plan
Quality Planning input: Organizational Process Assets Enterprise Environmental Factors Project Management Plan Project Scope statement tools: Cost benefit analysis Benchmarking Design of Experiments(test planning) Cost of Quality output: ChecklistsProcess Improvement Plan Quality Baseline Quality Metrics Quality Management Plan Project Management Plan updates 2. Perform Quality Control input:Quality Management Plan Checklists Deliverables Work Performance Information Metrics Organizational Process Assets tools: Control Charts(rule of seven) Cause and effect diagrams Pareto charts(80/20 rules, find the main cause) Flowcharts(show you a picture of the whole process) Histograms(help make decision) Run Charts(trends of your project) Scatter charts Inspection Defect repair review statistical Sampling output: Quality control measurements Recommended corrective actions Recommended preventative actions Recommended defect repairs Recommended defect repairs Validated deliverables and validated defect repair Quality baseline updates Requested changes Qrganizational Process Assets Updates(templates for Quality metrics or checklists) Project Management Plan Updates 3. Perfrom Quality Assurance input: Quality Metrics Quality Control Measurements Work Performance Information Implemented Change Requests Quality Management Plan Organizational Process Assets Process Improvement Plan Implemented Corrective Actions Implemented Defect Repair Implemented Preventative Actions Tools: Quality Planning tools and techniques Quality Control tools and techniques Quality AuditsProcess Analysis output: Project Management Plan Updates Requested Changes Recommended Corrective Actions Organizational Process Assets Updates