1. Java EE 5编程模型

    From http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/websphere/library/techarticles/0809_alcott/0809_alcott.html    

    2017/02/12 iteye

  2. IBM ESB product

    Service Integration Bus在WebSphere Application Server中,是早期IBM实现ESB产品,现在虽然可以作为一种开发策略,但已不推荐使用,推荐使用WESB(WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus)提供的ESB服务. WESB为构建在开放标准和SOA的IT环境提供了一个ESB,相对Sibus来说它使构建中间层更简单,更容易管理,可以在前期开发中介功能,提供更广泛的连接。WID为WESB提供了一个很好的开发工具,通过构建Mediation module来提供ESB服务,如下面WESB的中介模型图。 IBM现在的ESB产品有: Websphere ESB Websphere Message Broker Websphere DataPower Mediation module是一个特殊的SCA module,该模块在SCA的模块之间,以及SCA和非SCA之间建立了交流的桥梁。通过Mediation module可以截取、修改服务请求者(SCA Export)和服务提供者(SCA Import)之间传递的消息,从而减少依赖、降低耦合度。

    2017/02/12 iteye

  3. Quality Basic Training


    2017/02/12 iteye

  4. Wav 文件格式


    2017/02/12 iteye

  5. JSF Component & Render

    when using JSF, some scenarios are difficult to deal with. e.g. 1. multi rows raido buttons in dataTable      2. multi columns radio buttons in dataTable      The radio buttons don't fall in the one radio group, so they don't behave as one radio group Solution: create customize component      step1, inherit and implement component class            add one overrideName field, so we can override the radio names generated by radio button. In this way, multi-row or column radios are considered in one radio group      step2, inherit and implement render class          override Decode(apply request phase, retrive the value from request obj and apply to component)          override Encode(render response phase)      step3, customize tag lib http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/jw-02-2007/jw-02-jsf.html?page=2

    2017/02/12 iteye

  6. persistence solution

    straight Jdbc trivial app, report app 2. Hibernate session -------- Persistent Manager hibernate.cfg.xml 3. iBatis: SqlMap ------- Persistent Manager SqlMapConfig.xml 4. EJB 3 entity bean 5. Spring jdbc template

    2017/02/12 iteye

  7. 需求管理

    Manage Requirement Identify inconsitency Output: BRS: Business Requirements Spec SRS: System Requirements Spec RTM: Requirements Traceability Matrix 需求跟踪矩阵      Business ReqId,UserCaseId,SystemRequirementId,HighLevelDesign Id(SA),LowLevelDesineId,BuildNo,ReleaseId      开发需求时需要为每个需求编号,这样需求跟踪矩阵中对ReqId, UsercaseId,buildno可以更好的跟踪。因为后面buildno(No格式)中可能包括reqId. CR: Change Request PR: Problem Request CCB: Change Control Board

    2017/02/12 iteye

  8. 需求管理是要分层次的

    客户中不同角色对需求有不同层次的理解: 1. 管理层可能不了解具体的业务,但会提出一些大的方向。 2. 中层负责具体的业务逻辑,这是比较容易出错的 3. 操作人员理解的主要是界面,从这里得到的需求可能比较片面 理清需求的层次后,我们需要把握哪些需求是最重要的。

    2017/02/12 iteye