异步log to file 1. 启动一个多线程,维护一个List列表。List中存放的是需要log的字符串。早期用Vector来考虑同步的问题,甚至可以包装Vector。加入wait/notify机制。 2. 主程序启动时打开文件,主程序结束时关闭文件。其他还有异常,rotate file时也需要关闭文件。 // Open the file output stream logOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(this.fileName); &nbs
#install ldap 1. install BerkeleyDB.4.6 2. add /usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.6/lib to /etc/ld.so.conf, then execute ldconfig 3. env CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.6/include" LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.6/lib" ./configure --prefix /usr/local/openldap 4. make depend 5. make 6. make install 7. go to /usr/local/openldap/libexec execute ./slapd 8. ps -aux | grep slapd verify LDAP server is up #install ldap browser #for error:Can't connect to X11 windo
RMI provides the solution of communication between Java processes. For building a RMI Server/Client Application, below steps are considered: 1. define the Remote interfaces extends from java.rmi.Remote these interfaces will also be provided to client. note: all remote interfaces throw java.rmi.RemoteException 2. implement the remote interfaces, the implementation classes also extend java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject to export the remote objects. 3. use java
In DB2, e.g if you issue below sql statement 100 times, insert into TableA (id , fields) values (1, 'val1'); insert into TableA (id , fields) values (2, 'val2'); insert into TableA (id , fields) values (3, 'val3'); ......................... insert into TableA (id , fields) values (100, 'val100'); if you set jdbc batch_size to 50, it could be only issue two sql to db instead as below: insert into TableA (id , fields) values (1, 'val1') , (2, 'val2') ,(3, 'val3') ,(4, 'val4') ,......,(50, 'val50') insert into TableA (id , fields) values (51, 'val51') , (52, 'val52') ,(53, 'val53') ,(54, 'val54'),...... ,(100, 'val100')
Message Broker based on RMI
现有一个遗留系统中,用到了很多多线程。其中等待机制是这么做的: 1. 主线程在需要等待的时候,先开启一个等待线程。初始化时预定一个时间。等待线程启动后立刻 wait()/wait(nTime). 2. 主线程 join 等待线程 3. 外部事件到达时,interrupt 等待线程。E.g. in a listener or update method 4. 主线程继续执行下去 这种方式利用了InterruptedException控制业务逻辑,除了这个缺点外不知还有没有别的弊端?
inverse=true | false 2. cascade 3. lazy-loading 4. session-per-request & open session filter 5. transaction demarcation
Model Phase Websphere Business Modeler Rational Software Architect 2. Assemble Phase Rational Appliction Developer Websphere Integration Developer Websphere Portlet Factory ... 3. Deploy Phase Websphere Application Server Websphere Portal Server Websphere Porcess Server Websphere ESB Websphere Message Broker Websphere MQ ... 4. Manage Phase Tivoli Access Manager Websphere Business Monitor ... 5. Governance Websphere Service Registry and Repository Rational Asset Manager ...