Kano Model Requirements Type:
avoid surprise when dealing with the relationship with your manager.
Spring Modules Core Container: Core Beans Context Expression Language Data Access/Integration: JDBC ORM * JPA * JDO * Hibernate * iBatis OXM * JAXB * XStream * XMLBeans * Castor * JiBX JMS Transation Web: Web: the initialization of the IOC container using servlet listerners,multipart file-upload Web-Servlet Web-Portlet AOP and Instrumentation Instrumentation: class instrumentation and classloader implementations Test
学习笔记,摘自kuqin http://www.kuqin.com/linux/20110910/264584.html
Work Breakdown Structure Three Point Estimate effort of Activity = ((Most probable Value * 4) + Pessimistic Value + Optimistic Value)/6 2. Lines of Code Measure after the coding phase Measure at the beginning of maintenance or conversion project 3. Delphi several engineers individually produce estimates and converge on a consensus estimate at last. 3.1 A group of experts is each given the program's SPECs and estimation form 3.2 the experts discuss 3.3 anonymously list project tasks and a size estimate 3.4 moderator collects the estimates and tabulates the results and return them to the experts 3.5 only each expert's personal estimate is identified; all others are anonymous. 3.6 experts discuss and review the tasks 3.7 continues from step 3.3 again utill converge to within an acceptable range 4. Function Point Five aspects considered: * External Inputs(EIs), Add&Update&Delete Records * External External Outputs(EOs), Records Summary&Details * External Inquiries(EQ),an input/output flow where input immediately generates the output, no logical data files modified * Internal logical files(ILFs),maintained data model entity * External Interface files(EIFs), maintained outside of the application step1: determine the type of project: development project, enhancement project,installed application step2: identify the Counting Boundary step3: determine an unadjusted function point count step4: Determine a value adjustment factor step5: Calculate the adjusted function point count
敏捷最佳实践 迭代开发 TDD 测试驱动开发 CI 持续集成 CI的频率为一天时,就称为Daily Build,每日构建?CI鼓励尽早check in代码, 尽快发现问题并反馈. 而不是把时间花在Bug会议上 Refactor 重构 PP 结对编程 On-site Customer
IBM ESB(Enterprise Service Bus)为SOA的服务提供者和消费者的交互提供中转, 连接,和分离。支持协议和消息格式的转换。 ESB一般位于隔离区(Demilitarized Zone), 进一步抵御来自企业区之外的恶意或未授权的访问。 “ESB 网关至少提供 ESB 与外部使用者/提供者之间的服务地址转换。在实践中,ESB 网关通常提供附加服务,例如安全性、消息转换和合作伙伴数据管理。” WebSphere DataPower 设备(例如 XI50 型)是作为主入口来公开的理想候选网关,用于所有的传入服务请求以及各自的响应。 主要是协议的转换。 同时与TAM(Tivoli Access Manager)协作提供安全性。这时候DataPower充当策略强制点。TAM充当策略决策点和标识提供者,并进行身份验证和授权决策。 与WSRR(WebSphere Services Registry and Repository)结合提供服务虚拟化。WSRR存储WSDL(端口地址,消息格式)
Waterfall Lifecycle This model supports large and complex projects in which the requirements are well defined. It adopts sequential approach from requirements analysis through design, construction, testing and application deployment. 2. V Lifecycle 适合对系统可靠性要求比较高的项目。强调测试。 This model supports new product development or large enhancement projects when the size and complexity of the system is large enough to have a multilayered design. Adopt this model when the requirements are well understood, complete, and stable and the technology & architecture of the solution is clear and visible. SOW(UAT plan)---Requirement(System Test plan)---Architecture Design(Integration Test plan)---Low Level Design(Unit Test Plan)----Construct(V model bottom) ---Unit Test ---Integration Test ---System Test ---UAT 2.1 Feature Concurrent Phases or Activities Mandatory unit testing Easy to plan Emphasizes and encourages Verification and Validation at all phases 2.2 Disadvantage Does not handle iterations Changes are expansive More documentation and mandatory sign-off to move out of the phase Like waterfall model, Product is not visible until the end 3. Staged Lifecycle 架构已经定义好,允许分阶段的Low Level Design 和实现。 In this model, certain intermediate work products (incremental deliveries) will be delivered to the client before final delivery of the entire application. It supports product development or large enhancement projects when the requirements are not well understood and skeptic on stability of requirements. The Staged Lifecycle is best suitable for the development of new products or for executing large enhancements. Cycle: Low level Design --- Build --- IT,ST,REL,AT 3.1 Feature when the requirements not well understood, not complete or not stable. when there is a need for continuous deliveries from customer side. when allow incremental design and implementation in a number of stages. allow for specification changes in the subsequent release 3.2 Disadvantage need careful planning extra overhead on multiple release determining stage dependencies is difficult 4. Iterative Lifecycle This model supports large and complex projects with the following characteristics: Where continuous quality check & high degree of requirements management is needed through out the project. Where the requirements will change considerably and the environment is not stable. Where it is not possible to specify the requirements in enough details upfront. Where delivering on time is essential, irrespective of the functionality. cycle: Envisioning(构思) --- Design ---Build --- Test --- Release & Deployment 上面cycle中每个阶段中分多次迭代。 5. Rapid Applicaton Development Lifecycle