Engineering 1.1 Requirments Enginerring 1.2 Design 1.3 Technical Review 1.4 Construct(Code & Unit Testing ) 1.5 System & Software Integration 1.6 Integration & System & User Acceptance Testing 1.7 Release Management 1.8 User Documentation 1.9 Maintenance & Migration/Porting Process 2. Project Managment 2.1 Project Initiation 2.2 Project Planning & Estimation 2.3 Risk Management 2.4 Project Quality Management 2.5 Project Monitoring & Control 2.6 Project Closure 2.7 Supplier Agreement Management 3. Process Management 3.1 Process Definition & Improvement & Deployment 3.2 Organization Innovation 3.3 Quantitative Process Management 4. Support 4.1 Change Management 4.2 Configuration Management 4.3 Quality Assurance 4.4 Causal Analysis & Resolution 4.4.1 Defect Classification 4.4.2 Fishbone Diagram 4.4.3 Pareto Analysis 4.4.4 5Whys 4.5 Decision Analysis & Resolution 4.5.1 PUGH Matrix
Oracle SQL 摘自: DECODE的语法DECODE(value,if1,then1,if2,then2,if3,then3,...,else)
How to deploy CommonLibrary project? We know module is deployed in the form of ear. 2. 业务流程执行语言 (BPEL) BPEL 流程和其他的组件都是使用 WSDL 接口进行描述的。 3. 业务规则有两种类型:规则集 和决策表 4. IBM 定义的SOA的生命周期: Model, Assemble, Deploy, Manage WID 支持 Assemble阶段 WAS 支持 Deploy 阶段
数据库操作 issue
Websphere 产品安装信息命令 versionInfo 产品属性文件查找 查看<was_home>/properties/version/WAS.product 查看任意概要文件(profile)下的SystemOut.log文件,此文件包含WebSphere Application Server产品相关信息. <profile_home>/logs/server1/SystemOut.log 2. 故障诊断工具 FFDC(First Failure Data Capture) <profile_home>/logs/ffdc 3. 通过从命令行运行 java -fullversion 看JDK信息 <was_home>/java/bin/java -fullversion 4. 检查Windows平台上的IBM HTTP Server的版本信息,运行apache.exe -v 5. 日志文件 5.1 JVM日志 installation_root/profiles/profile_name/logs/server_name 5.2 进程日志 installation_root/logs/applicationServerName/native_stderr.log 和 native_stdout.log 5.3 服务日志(二进制文件) install_root/logs/activity.log installation_root/bin/showlog 6. 日志分析器 <was_home>/bin/waslogbr.bat install_root/logs/activity.log 7. port config WAS_INSTALL_ROOT\profiles<profileName>\config\cells<cellName>\nodes<nodeName>
Type 1: JDBC-ODBC Drawback: client code must be loaded and configured on each client machine.
JVM Heapsize -Xms -Xmx 2. GC 什么时候收集 Heap Fragmentation 3. Web Container ThreadPool Buffer Timeout Keep-alive 4. EJB Container 5. Data Source 最大/小连接数 JDBC Driver类型的选择