
2017/02/12 iteye


  • 先定义隐藏的IFrame
<iframe name="myIframe" src="blank.html" style="width:0px;height:0px" frameborder="0"> </iframe>
  • 通过button,Href或者form提交,动态修改IFrame的src属性或者设置Href,Form的Target属性

  • 如何在父窗口和IFrame页面传递数据

Three ways of Moving Data From an iframe to the Parent

  • The iframe page can use it's own javascripts to transfer and place the data into the parent.
     // - this is the script in the iframe results page 
    var reps = document.getElementById('state_reps').innerHTML; 
    parent.document.getElementById('results1').innerHTML = reps; 
  • The iframe page can pass its document object as an argument to a function in the parent, thereby allowing the parent to retrieve data from the iframe.
    // - this is the script in parent page 
    function showReps(doc){ 
        var x = doc.getElementById('state_reps').innerHTML; 
        document.getElementById('results2').innerHTML = x; 
  • Place an onload event handler in the iframe tag in the parent document (this page). This method does not work with Netscape
    <iframe name="repIframe3" src="blank.html" onload="getIframeDoc()"></iframe>
        function getIframeDoc(){ 
            var iframeDoc = window.frames['repIframe3'].document; 
            var sr = iframeDoc.getElementById('state_reps'); 
            if (sr){ 
                var reps3 = sr.innerHTML; 
                document.getElementById('results3').innerHTML = reps3; 
        // - this is the script in the iframe results page 


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