work estimation

2017/02/12 iteye
  1. Work Breakdown Structure        Three Point Estimate       effort of Activity = ((Most probable Value * 4) + Pessimistic Value + Optimistic Value)/6   2. Lines of Code     Measure after the coding phase     Measure at the beginning of maintenance or conversion project     3. Delphi     several engineers individually produce estimates and converge on a consensus estimate at last. 3.1 A group of experts is each given the program's SPECs and estimation form 3.2 the experts discuss 3.3 anonymously list project tasks and  a size estimate 3.4 moderator collects the estimates and tabulates the results and return them to the experts 3.5 only each expert's personal estimate is identified; all others are anonymous. 3.6 experts discuss and review the tasks 3.7 continues from step 3.3 again utill converge to within an acceptable range     4. Function Point         Five aspects considered:        * External Inputs(EIs), Add&Update&Delete Records        * External External Outputs(EOs), Records Summary&Details        * External Inquiries(EQ),an input/output flow where input immediately generates the output, no logical data files modified        * Internal logical files(ILFs),maintained data model entity        * External Interface files(EIFs), maintained outside of the application       step1: determine the type of project: development project, enhancement project,installed application       step2: identify the Counting Boundary       step3: determine an unadjusted function point count       step4: Determine a value adjustment factor       step5: Calculate the adjusted function point count           


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