SOA notes

2017/02/12 iteye
  1. two feature for SOA   1.1 reuse existing IT asset(EIS)   1.2 loosely coupling, integration 2. product  HP BTO(Business Tech. Optimizer) HP SOA governance Systinet is responsible for:     repository,registry     SLA, Service Level Agreement     policy management, security/transation     Service Life Cycle management,     QoS, Reliable Message 3. difference between JAX-WS2.0 and JAX-RPC   new API   Annotations programming model   Asynchronous programming model   provider/dispatch动态编程模型 4. SOAP message structure    Envelope     Header     Body     Fault     simple/complex Type 5. WSDL structure    Types    Message    PortType: that is interface, include multi operations    Binding: communication protocol binding      Service: include multi portType   


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