Communications Management 1. Communications Requirements Analysis input:Enterprise Environmental Factors Organizational Process Assets Project Scope Statement Project Management Plan output: Communication Plan(who should communicate with whom and how often) 2. Information Distribution input:Communication Plan Tools: Communication skills Formal Written Informal Written Formal Verbal Informal Verbal Effective Communication Nonverbal communication Paralingual communication(tone and pitch) Feedback Information gathering and retrieval systems Information distribution methods Lessons learned Output: Organizational Process Asset updates Requested changes 3. Performance Reporting process Input: Work Performance Information Deliverables Performance Measurements Forecasted Completion Quality Control Measurements Approved Changes Requests Project Management Plan Tools: Information Presentation Tools Performance Information Gathering and Compilation Status Review Meetings Time Reporting System Cost Reporting System Output: Performance report Forecasts Lessons Learned Changes 4. Manage Stakeholders(resolve issues) every team member is also a stakeholder. Input: Communications Management Plan Organizational Process Assets Tools: Communications Methods Face-to-face communication Holding kickoff meetings Issue Logs Output: Resolved Issues Approved Change Requests Approved Corrective Actions Organizational Process Asset Updates Project Management Plan Updates