Scope Management

2017/02/12 iteye

Scope management means figuring out what's out of scope, not just what's part of scope. five scope management processes: 1. scope planning output: scope management plan 2. scope definition output:scope statement scope definition tools&techniques:stakeholder analysis,product ayalysis,alternatives idenfication,expert judgment 3. create WBS(Work Breakdown Structure) Project is broken down by phase or deliverable. A WBS can be structued any way it make sense to you and your project team. Work package is a unit of work in the WBS. The WBS dictionary is a description of each work package listed in the WBS. tools&techniques: decomposition and templates&forms of similar past project output: work breakdown structure, WBS dictionary, scope baseline,updates to the scope statement, updates to the scope management plan, change requests 4. scope change It describes how specific approved changes are used to update the project documents 5. scope verification to gain formal acceptance of the project deliverables from the sponsor and stakeholders tools: inspection


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