CICS: CICS 是一系列为 IBM和非 IBM 平台上的应用提供联机事务处理和事务管理的产品,其功能是为商业应用提供一个事务处理环境。CICS其全称是 Customer Information Control System,即客户信息控制系统。 RACF: Resource Access Control Facility(资源访问控制程序)是用于IBM主机(大型服务器)操作系统的安全管理产品RACF只分配给有权使用申请资源的用户的计算机系统(比如文件,打印序列,程序的运行空间等等)。为了实现这些,RACF识别并授权给一个用户,并决定这个用户可以使用什么样的资源,并且对非授权用户试图访问保护资源进行记录日志和报告。 3270: The IBM 3270 is a class of terminals made by IBM since 1972 (known as "display devices") normally used to communicate with IBM mainframes. IBM stopped manufacturing terminals many years ago, but the IBM 3270 protocol is still commonly used via terminal emulation to access some mainframe-based applications. Accordingly, such applications are sometimes referred to as green screen applications. Use of 3270 is slowly diminishing over time as more and more mainframe applications acquire Web interfaces, but some web applications use the technique of "screen scraping" to capture old screens and transfer the data to modern front-ends.