
2017/02/12 iteye

refer to:   Setup:   1.  generate two maven submodules: jetexpress-portal and jetexpress-pa.   mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-archetype-plugin:2.0-alpha-4:generate \     -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.portals.jetspeed-2 \     -DarchetypeArtifactId=jetspeed-archetype \     -DarchetypeVersion=2.2.0 \     -DartifactId=jetexpress \     -Dpackage=org.apache.portals.tutorials \     -DgroupId=org.apache.portals.tutorials \     -Dversion=1.0-SNAPSHOT   2. change file jetspeed-mvn-settings.xml   2.1 Find the org.apache.jetspeed.server.home configuration parameter and change the path to where you installed Tomcat   2.2 Find the org.apache.jetspeed.production.database.url configuration parameter   3. create file %USERPROFILE%.m2\settings.xml


  4. mvn jetspeed:mvn -Dtarget=all     deploy to the tomcat server        access: http://localhost:8080/jetexpress/portal   5. wroking in  Eclipse Env   5.1 mvn eclipse:eclipse   5.2  In Eclipse, go to Window->Preferences->Java->Build Path->Classpath Variables->New and enter the location of your local Maven repository  M2_REPO (typically this is inside a .m2 directory in your user home/profile directory.   5.3 import jetexpress-portal and jetexpress-pa projects   5.4 add portlet in jetexpress-pa project   5.5 deploy to tomcat ENV   mvn jetspeed:mvn -Dtarget=deploy-pa mvn jetspeed:mvn -Dtarget=deploy-portal   access: http://localhost:8080/jetexpress/portal        Create A New Page:    1.  make dir under such as demo       \jetexpress\jetexpress-portal\src\main\webapp\WEB-INF\pages\demo   2. copy and edit folder.metadata & default-page.psml   3.  deploy mvn jetspeed:mvn -Dtarget=deploy-pa mvn jetspeed:mvn -Dtarget=deploy-portal   access: http://localhost:8080/jetexpress/portal  


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