
2017/01/25 blog


Redis 4 feature

  • module
  • psync2
  • LFU eviction policy
  • mixed rdb-aof format
  • del/flushall/flushdb async
  • MEMORY command

redis 3

  • Redis Cluster

redis 2.8

  • psync
  • Slaves explicitly ping masters now, a master is able to detect a timed out slave independently.
  • Masters can stop accepting writes if not enough slaves with a given maximum latency are connected
  • Keyspace changes notifications via Pub/Sub
  • CONFIG SET maxclients is now available
  • Ability to bind multiple IP addresses
  • Set process names so that you can recognize, in the "ps" command output, the listening port of an instance, or if it is a saving child
  • Automatic memory check on crash
  • CONFIG REWRITE is able to materialize the changes in the configuration operated using CONFIG SET into the redis.conf file
  • PUBSUB command for Pub/Sub introspection capabilities
  • EVALSHA can now be replicated as such, without requiring to be expanded to a full EVAL for the replication link
  • Better Lua scripts error reporting
  • SDIFF performance improved

redis 2.6

  1. 支持lua脚本。
  2. VM(虚拟内存)去掉了。
  3. 对于client的limit限制变成无限制。
  4. aof性能提升了不少。
  5. key的过滤时间可以支持毫秒级别了,原来是秒。
  6. list与hash 的属性filed或value包含小整数,内存优化列好(使用了jemalloc,以前是malloc)。
  7. 提供了BITCOUNT与BITOP,前者支持位值count,后者支持了位操作。(以前只支持key-value 的置位操作)
  8. 支持新命令dump以及restore ,即序列化与反序列化操作。
  9. 大数据存储性能优化


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